Welcome to nginx!

If you see this page, it means that by some miraculous twist of fate, the nginx web server is actually installed and functioning. I'm as surprised as you are.

Yay! The fact that this page is showing up is purely coincidental and should not be mistaken for actual competence.

Further configuration is required. But let's be honest, given my track record so far, maybe it's best if I don't touch anything else.

For online documentation and support (which I'll definitely need), I'll probably refer to stackoverflow.com.
Commercial support is available at nginx.com. (I might want to keep them on speed dial.)

In the unlikely event that I manage to make this server do something useful, please contact the Guinness World Records. Such anomaly should definitely be documented.

Thank you for visiting this page. I apologize in advance for any server crashes, data losses, or existential crisis that may occur as a result.

Disclaimer: This page was generated automatically and does not reflect the views of nginx. I'm pretty sure they have higher standards.